Thursday, April 23, 2009

Things I Love about Don

Things I Love About Don
1. His love of God, Christ, Holy Spirit, & The Church
2 His love of The Bible
3. His love for the Girls and what a Great father he has been to them!
4 How He has stuck with me through the worse and poorer ( for better or worse, for richer or poorer)
5. His love of Children
6. His voice and beautiful brown eyes
7.His patience & love he has for those who mistreat him
8. How He works @ the radio station so we can continue to live here in Trenton & work with The Church here. ( even tho it's not his favorite)
9. His love of Dirt!
10. His love of mission work & the Philippine people


  1. I love daddy too mom!!! :) GREAT post!!! ILY

  2. He really is the best Daddy!! I love you!!

  3. Great post, mom! You picked pretty well ;^) ily
