Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Laurie ~ Montgomery's Telacomunicator of the Year

Laura Renee' Walker is my first child. She was my constant companion and best friend for the 1st 3 & 1/2 years of her life. I thought she'd never talk so I probably talked her ears off. Then I thought she'd never stop. She'd ask me the hardest questions You know, where does God live, and who was Gods' mommy? Every part of her jiggled when she ran when she was little. It was so cute but to this day she hates for anyone to tease her about it. As she grew older she was always thin but she always wanted to diet and exercise. She thought she was fat but she wasn't. Shes always loved giving gifts. When I would tell her we didn't have the money for whatever she would tell me that's OK, just write a check! And oh the boyfriends! They have always known what she has never realized That she is beautiful both inside and out.And so very talented! Her love of children both here and in the mission field is amazing. She has more children friends than any adult who doesn't work with children as a profession. They love her so much! Through her 28 years of life we've had our issues. But through it all she has grown and matured into the wonderful Christian Woman That we prayed for. It doesn't surprised me in the least that she is outstanding in her jobs and life. Others are just now recognising what Don & I have known all along. We are so proud of Her! She has been a blessing in our lives!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Things I Love about Don

Things I Love About Don
1. His love of God, Christ, Holy Spirit, & The Church
2 His love of The Bible
3. His love for the Girls and what a Great father he has been to them!
4 How He has stuck with me through the worse and poorer ( for better or worse, for richer or poorer)
5. His love of Children
6. His voice and beautiful brown eyes
7.His patience & love he has for those who mistreat him
8. How He works @ the radio station so we can continue to live here in Trenton & work with The Church here. ( even tho it's not his favorite)
9. His love of Dirt!
10. His love of mission work & the Philippine people

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm a Big Girl Now

Fear. Sometimes it positively paralyses me. Do I believe God is with me ? Psalms 55 With all my heart! But are there times when I am so frightened that I can't move? yes. Have I always been this way? No. When I was young and stupid I knew no fear. That is probably true of most people. There was a couple of times when the girls were growing up when they were not where they were supposed to be that I felt this kind of fear. Of course when Daddy was diagnosed with cancer, and died ,I felt it. But since the morning I woke up not being able to find my left side it has happened more often. It's a brain thing and I'm aware of that. But that knowledge doesn't help me in the least. Don being in the Philippines has a tendency to magnify my fear as he is my security blanket. Sunday I came home from Mommas' and to do that I had to drive over a very BIG mountain. Monteagle The trip was a breeze - no problems. Monday I drive into Chattanooga. Something I do quite often. Going over Missionary Ridge the car starts acting like I have a flat tire. I was looking for a place to pull over when it goes back to going the right speed. So I keep going because I'm close to where I'm going. Get to the road the restaurant is on and it starts acting like its going to quit. You understand I'm on a very busy road in lunch time traffic. Cars are flying around me, the car quits about 25 yards from the restaurant. I panic. What am I going to do? So I start praying and trying to get it back started. It &stayed started for about 5 seconds at time. Finally inched it into the parking lot without getting hit. Thank-you Lord! And a special shout out to Bill & Margie Newby for being friends in deed and coming to my rescue. To make a long story short, We get it to the same shop our other car has been in for a week. They just finished getting it running. Great! I can take it . Just got to pay for it. Panic again! Give Him a Check to hold until Don comes home. Then go sit in Krystal for 2 hours with the computer to try to get a hold of Don to find out what to do. Unfortunately their Internet was down and couldn't reach him for 3 days. You know what? God was with me, and I lived through it. As God told Joshua after Moses died in Joshua 1:5&6 He will never leave Joshua nor Forsake Him if He stays in obedience to His Will. Do you Suppose Joshua ever felt panic. ?Probably some times. In that same chapter God tells Joshua to "be strong and of good courage" 3 times . Is being strong & courageous the lack of fear? I think not. I think its perseverance through the panic. The fact that this happened in familiar surroundings with friends close by to help ,when it could have happened the day before on a much higher mountain an hour from home is proof God is with me & answered my prayers .So yes, I'm a big girl now even tho Don is in the Philippines. God and I can handle it. God doesn't need me, But I definitely need Him!!!