Thursday, March 26, 2009

He's gone and I miss Him. Sounds like a lyric from a country western song doesn't it? But it fits me to a t. Don and Laurie left on a mission trip for the Philippines Mon. the 23rd of March at 4:00am. A Big shout out and thanks to Charles Hill for taking us to the airport and me back home in the silver bullet. They have arrived at The Philippine Theological College where I'm told Laurie got a rock star welcome from all the children. They both were somewhat rested but Don is having a little problem with jet lag. Please keep us all in your prayers. Yes I miss Laurie also. Such a comfort to know that God is with them, in fact He's with all of us .Psalm55. Just 13 more days. So while they're gone I will be with Mom in Jackson for a while then on to Montgomery to be with the girls and Dustin and their friends. No doubt about it, I miss them, but I am having so much fun!!!!!!! Have a blessed day!


  1. Mom! i'm so impressed with your blogging!!! :) I miss them too but I know they are having a blast!! Glad you made it to Grandma's, have fun and I'll see you Monday or Tuesday!! Love you!!

  2. I love your blogging too!! I miss them both too and you really need to learn to use skype!! It will change your life....ask Laurie!! I miss you and cant wait for you to get here next week!!
